
Human design readings
Human design readings

human design readings

“Thank you very much! I'll listen to this again! Your session gave me a whole new way of thinking - I feel like my life became magically uncomplicated all of a sudden!!!” I don't really understand how you can identify all of this with the little information I gave you.” “Tuning into my Human Design has allowed me the grace to rest and follow inspiration when it comes to me. One of the most important things I learned was to respect when I need to rest and since I've taken that on board I've felt much more balanced and content.” “I felt really safe and able to be open during my reading. I feel more calm and confident right now and I'm really excited about integrating my Human Design in my life and business. My most important shifts were that I'm not here to prove anything to anyone, that I have to be really clear and specific about my desires and that it's okay to do things my way.

human design readings

There is so much clarity right now about how I work. “The reading with Liz was so good! I'm a 5/1 Projector. NOTE: A Personal HD Reading must be used within 3-months from the purchase date. The opportunity to ask questions for clarity regarding what comes up for you during the call Introduction to your Incarnation Cross as part of illuminating your soul’s unique mission Profile and Definition, to uncover where your strengths are and where you may see the most resistance/conditioning In depth discussion of your Type/Strategy + AuthorityĪnalysis of your 9 Centres (defined/undefined) This 75 Minute Reading is with the beautiful and extremely knowledgeable Human Design Reader, Liz Coyles Understanding your Human Design is the key to you understanding HOW you are meant to show up in this world, how your energy is meant to flow, and the strategies you can utilize to begin to feel in alignment, thriving and creating aligned results. While scheduling your appointment, please have your date of birth, exact time of birth, birth location and birth country ready. Please note: You will receive an email confirmation with link to schedule your HD Reading appointment after your purchase.

Human design readings